
We want you to have the perfect frame for displaying your new art prints. Here are a few of our designers personal recommendations and places for purchasing quality frames.

Please Note:

Our products are printed and shipped by a third party vendor. The art print ships in a kraft mailing tube. We advise that you unroll your art print on a clean surface and use a book or heavy object to flatten out your print before framing. If you receive a misprinted or damaged product, please refer to our Returns & Shipping page.


  • Display your art print in a black or dark brown wooden frame for a sophisticated and modern touch. 
  • Try to avoid using floating frames and frames with a thick border (unless of course, you strongly prefer otherwise).
  • Spot clean the frames glass/plastic cover (both front and back). This ensures that no small debris or dust particles are visible on your art print after hanging.

Where Can I Purchase a Frame?

  • IKEA
  • Target
  • Micheals
  • Artifact Uprising
  • West Elm